Sunday, January 25, 2015

Coleslaw -- On the Side

1422251586_My DocumentsColeslaw 

“Why did you pick me to mix with carrot shreds?”

asks the hand cut cabbage.

“The sun warmed me and my roots had water

before you came.”

The red and black radishes cry the same,

“Why were we uprooted, before we bloomed?

Our future seeds yearn to spread and grow.”

The cook ignores the unenlightened.

Instead she whips mayonnaise and vinegar—

adds poppy seeds,

tabasco, sugar and salt.

A side dish has no meaning alone—

a main course accompaniment.

Meant only to blend in with the crowd;

and enjoy second place.

Plated to tickle the palate

and please the eye;

never to overwhelm center stage.

Yet, what would the main course be

without its side?

An overrated piece of meat or fish—

consumed by a disappointed customer;

followed by a bad review.

Soon showy white linen

and gilded place settings

greet hungry guests.

With clicked glasses of wine

they agree—

this coleslaw is special.j

Coleslaw -- On the Side