Sunday, March 30, 2014

Snorkelers Care

1396237301_seahorseWhen time and money is in abundance, my husband Blake’s and my favorite vacation spots are in Hawaii. Too timid to dive, we snorkel—gently hovering over coral reefs and peeking into nooks and crannies. The treasures we find are worth more than the gold rumored to be buried with the many shipwrecks still to be discovered.

Regardless of which island we visit, we often rent our snorkeling gear from Snorkel Bob’s chain of outfitters. As you enter any one of the many locations, you can’t help but notice the information about the company’s foundation which focuses on reef recovery. The 501c3 non-profit recognizes the worldwide global impact of reef collapse. It has been instrumental in exposing the Hawaii aquarium trade and its uncontrolled netting, which decimates the fish populations and creates ecological imbalance. One of the biggest threat to the reefs is algae and guess what controls the algae?—the fish population. The aquarium trade fills 80% of all tanks in the U.S. with Hawaii reef fish, 99% of which die in a year.  In the wild they live for decades.

Today, as a landlubber, dreaming of the ocean, but with only terra firma under my feet, I did some research and unearthed a few facts:

1396234956_FishbulletIt is estimated that up to 30 million fish, 4 million pounds of coral skeleton and 9-10 million other invertebrate are removed each year from ecosystems to supply the aquarium trade.

1396234956_FishbulletPrecise quantification of the size and value of the ornamental trade is stymied by the critical lack of monitoring and regulation, which leads to illegal poaching practices, which supplies a sizeable black market for reef-dwelling organisms.

1396234956_FishbulletSince the state of Hawaii established a series of reserves on the Kona coastline to protect ornamental fish from collection, aquarium fish are now recovering in these areas.

1396234956_FishbulletCyanide is used to poison fish rapidly. It is squirted by divers from bottles to stun the fish, so it is easy to scoop them into nets. Cyanide fishing is currently one of the biggest threats to coral reefs in areas that supply the aquarium trade.

1396234956_FishbulletTo increase profitable populations invasive species have been added to coral reefs. A classic example is the introduction of the Pacific Lionfish to waters off south Florida. These invaders are voracious predators and their populations have moved as far north as Long Island and throughout the Caribbean Sea.

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. It is beyond cuckoo that this industry continues to destroy our ecosystems. If we are to preserve and respect this earth and all its resources, we cannot discount, even those things that seem innocent—like the aquarium tank that is just so entertaining as you anxiously await that next root canal.

Check out Snorkel Bob’s Facebook page at:


Snorkelers Care

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Praise The Lord And Pass The Snakes

1394428020_snake_cupI’m open-minded when it comes to religion. A mix and match blend of belief and practice is perfectly fine with me. As a child, brought up as a Catholic, I’m no stranger, to scary, gothic and dark ritual. Today, I follow the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. In Chapter 39 of “Autobiography of a Yogi” he recounts the time he spent with Therese Newman, the Catholic Stigmatist, who on Fridays would experience the Passion of Christ and openly bleed from identical wounds. Not my idea of a good time, but she was a saint and I’m not. Maybe someday, I’ll be able to bleed with the best–probably not this lifetime.

However, I think I finally found the limit of my religious tolerance with this practice of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Jesus Name Church, which includes poisonous snake handling as part of the service. The recent death of Pastor Jamie Coots has me thinking that this is simply Beyond Cuckoo.

Coots belonged to a small circle of Pentecostal Holiness pastors who take this passage from the Bible’s Gospel of Mark literally:  “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”  For some reason, I don’t think Jesus meant that we should antagonize, frighten and exploit reptiles in his name—not to mention that it happens to be stupidly dangerous to the parishioners.

Then there’s the addiction theory–that some folks are simply thrill-seekers. They get a rush from facing death and feel powerful when they escape tragedy. Coots often spoke of the rush of feeling the hand of God.

Regardless, those that study the practice, say that it’s no different to the parishioners, than taking Communion is to Catholics. Hmmm, I knew there was a reason I switched religions.

Praise The Lord And Pass The Snakes